
Eleventh Hour Onset & The Road Ahead


We recently caught up with Mikeal from Eleventh Hour Onset to talk about their album release, touring and the road ahead.


To start when can we expect Eleventh Hour to go back on tour?

This spring we plan on hitting Canada and the North East with some good friends of ours.

Any details on the bands that’ll be joining you for this tour?

They’re some super sick guys from the Rochester area but that’s all we can say, as there may be more people we work with as well down the road.

Any news on upcoming releases?

As of now, no. We got really set back recently with the actions of the individual who engineered our album; we had to completely restart.

What do you guys plan on doing about that?

Hustle as hard as we can! Haha

Would you be willing to elaborate on that?

Well basically, we had a guy step in to help us under the impression that he was to begin playing guitar for us. After telling us he’d mix the record we decided to head out on a headlining tour in support of the album. We got no mixes back from him for 2 months after the release was supposed to take place, so we decided to have it sent somewhere else to be mixed. Then he wouldn’t even give us our files. He always told us he was working and never had time to send us any files, but there were days he would hit us up to hang out and get wasted but he apparently never had time to send us our shit. Eventually, recently, we had a falling out and he told us he would only give us our music if we stripped a song from the record that he helped us make some small changes on. We knew it was our song the entire time, having demos that sounded almost exact from months before we had even met him, so we told him to eat shit and we decided to restart. Fuck that, we’re not going to let someone tell us what isn’t our music; especially when it comes time to the songs that are close to our heart.


How’s working with Tyler Dennen?

Great! That’s dudes a legend and he’s hilarious.

He’s just super nice and he always does a good job of making sure we are on our game when working with him. That’s an ethic that most people don’t have in this business.

Can we expect him to be on a future release?

Haha, no I don’t think so. He’s our buddy but he’s far away from our little league.

So recently you did an interview with metal at the gates about depression and anxiety, could you tell us how and or why that seems to be a concept in your music?

We’ve all been impacted by those kinds of things; I’ve lost people to themselves before, we’ve all sat up and drank our weight in booze for months on end before, we’ve watched friends turn into completely different people because of their own personal issues. It’s a harsh reality that I think isn’t talked about as much as it should be outside of the actual artistic side of things.

What do you want people to know about now besides the stuff I’ve asked?

I’m not really sure. I guess the fact that we are different for only one reason; we are friends. We enjoy what we do and why we do it, and that’s what stands out about us as people and at our shows. We genuinely enjoy getting on stage and getting sweaty, we don’t have crazy fancy lights that make us look like super cool rock stars or anything like that. We just get up and give it our all and put our energy into everything.

You can check them out below:

Eleventh Hour Onset


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