
Backwordz on upcoming Album ``Veracity``


With their debut album dropping very soon we decided to sit down with Backwordz and talk about the album.

When can we expect your debut album “Veracity” to drop?

 Eric: The album drops March 31 and we are stoked to finally put out our first full length. We understand that it took a long time to finally get it out, but I assure that it is well worth the wait.

We saw that you did a feature with Fronz of Attila in your latest music video, what’s it like working with him?

 Eric: Fronz and I built a friendship over the past year, and BackWordz brought everything together. He’s been a joy to partner up with. The feature came pretty naturally and nothing was forced. For a while, people have been wanting Fronz and me to hop on a track together. We gave many what they wanted, and it came out great.


Are there any other features on the album?

Eric: We have another feature on the album that we don’t want to give away just yet. Having an 18 track album gave us a lot of room to team up with others where it made sense. The ones with Fronz and Crag were well accepted so we can’t wait for everyone to hear the final feature.

So you recently made it clear that Backwordz has self-ownership over there releases, is this something you believe more artists in your genre should start doing?

 Eric: I honestly hope many artists start thinking critically about the labels they decide to sign with. The internet alone has given artists a lot of opportunity to be self-sufficient. I understand the attraction of labels, and I’m not saying that there can’t be situations in which a label signing is mutually benefit. But many artists don’t negotiate and they sell their lives away, and get little to nothing in return. By avoiding that, we’re in a position to control our own destiny. Sure, it may take more time to be the talk-of-the-town but that’s perfectly fine with us.

Is there a chance we will see Backwordz go on tour following the album release?

 From the end of February until the end of March, we will be on the road. We have a tour lined up with Like Moths to Flames and Sworn In coming up. After the album drops, I’m sure we will have some more dates.

For all the fans that listen to your music what message should they take away from listening?

 Eric: Liberty. Self-Ownership, Non-aggression, and property rights. It has been no secret that we push for liberty and a free society. At the very least, we hope that people begin to question some of the things they’ve been led to believe. Politics and media makes it hard to decipher reality and truth. Even many other musicians have fell for the con-games. We just hope that people listen to our tracks and begin to think critically.

Pre Order Links:
Physical copies & bundles- BackWordz.merchnow.com
Itunes- http://apple.co/2lT77Ok
Amazon- http://amzn.to/2kRM0aM
Google- http://bit.ly/2mQH9YK

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